Saturday, April 18, 2009

To Blog or not to Blog?


Thanks for stepping in and welcome to my blog.  I’m not much of a Blogger (yet), and don’t know if I’ll actually become one - but I'm willing to give it a shot.  Over the past years, I (along with the rest of the world) have seen a dramatic increase in online social communities and groups.  I’ve tried to keep up with the demand and have held membership on various sites such as Hi5, Facebook and LinkedIn to name a few.  I never really knew what to make of these sites.  I mean the people I wanted to talk to were either on MSN or in my phones address book – so why write a message that someone will not see right away?  If I wanted to do that - I could just send them an email, right?

Well this very idea held me back for many years, until I got on Twitter last week.  I very quickly realized that I wasn’t using these so called “Social Networking Websites” for what they were really intended to do.  They were intended to not only keep you in touch with your friends and family but to also give you an opportunity to share your thoughts with the world.  I always kept my profiles private so only friends could see me and didn’t interact much with others unless I absolutely needed to.  Twitter has changed this for me.   It allows you to share your thoughts with the world – whether they’re relevant to anything or not.  If people care – they’ll follow you to read more.  If they don’t?  Well - life still goes on and your tweet gets buried in the millions of other tweets out there until you tweet again. 

After a week of being hooked to Twitter, I’ve decided to take things one step further.  Yup, you guessed it – Blogging.  I don’t know much about it, and didn’t really know where to begin so I started by creating an account today and adding this “Blog”. 

Seems easy enough, doesn’t it? 

Let’s see what Blogging does for me in the weeks to come.

Thanks for reading,

T.J. Walia


  1. Thanks for this T.J. kept me interested for two minutes of my life...I loved it. Keep them coming...Im hooked ;)

  2. Thanks Karan. I'm glad I could keep you focused for 2 min's - generally that's a challenge :p

  3. Well written T.J.....good insight for ppl like me who would think the same...why use blogs when u have emails! I will be waiting for more:-)
    keep it up!!

  4. Blog = Personal Brand - it's your channel to get your message out. It is how people will see you. It is what people will think about when they hear your name "TJ".

    I guess it's great idea to get something off your chest. All the Best!


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